Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lesson 1: Defining Creative

Creative: A different thinking mind.
Creativity: Creative mind come out with new ideas or concepts.
(The image above show that the designer using different way to create the alphabets of the word 'CREATIVE')

Creative is having a power to create.
Creativity is having a creative imagination and doing work or thing in different or new way.

From week 2 class lesson,
1. It is not only talented people are creative. Even the cleaning worker also can be creative.

2. Being creative is hard. Once we learn how to easily channel creativity, it is actually easy.

3. Problems is the key of learning. Problems force us to find creative solutions.

4. Everybody is creative. The more creativity we use it in our daily life the easier it will flow.

5. Geniuses are creative. But there are also many years of hard work.

6. The most great idea is by using the old concept but present it in a new way.

7. Brainstorming can be fun. Brainstorming helps us to get the best idea.

8. Not only artists need to be creative. Creativity belongs to everyone.

9. The more we use our creativity, the more easy for creative ideas come to us.

10. Everybody is different. But all brainstorming techniques spark your creativity.

Being creativity, you need to be able to view things in different ways. The best method is brainstorming.

So What is Creativity?
-Creativity is the ability to imagine or invent something new.
-Creativity is an attitude: the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of outlook.
-Creative people work hard and continually to improve ideas and solutions, by making gradual alterations and refinements to their works.

This week class, lecturer bought a metal rode and asked us to imagine what is it.
It can be a ruler for measurement, can be one of the leg of chair, can be a massage rode and many more.
It seems like everybody can get more imagination on a metal rode. This is how creative means. People thinking out different ideas to tell them what is that and the outcomes are different and interesting.
For me, everyone in this world has imagination. That means everyone is creative. Human are creative on build up all the technology, the buildings, exploring the science and come out the exploring materials.
If they are not creative, there would not be any science materials, buildings or even technology in our life today. We maybe still live on the tree or in the cave.
My opinion is, the main idea of being creativity is thinking and hardwork. If you keep on thinking but not doing something, that is imagination only. But if you create it out, it will become a creativity design or artwork. That is how brainstorming is useful for us to come out with ideas.

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